Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Video Games in Therapy
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Want to get you studies published?
Call for Papers
Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research
The Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research (JSPTR) would like to invite authors to actively participate in the growth and development of the only journal dedicated solely to the student physical therapist. The JSPTR an open access, peer-reviewed online journal published quarterly that encompasses all aspects of clinical and basic research studies related to physical therapy.
The intention of the JSPTR is to provide a platform for publication of student driven research as well as provide students exposure to the review and publication process.
Accepted papers are published under the following categories:
· Research Report
· Case Report
· Case Study
· Case Series
· Literature Review
Under the direction of the Faculty and Student Editor-in-Chief, several APTA accredited physical therapy programs will facilitate the peer review process.
Involving yourself with the Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research will provide a valuable experience in the submission, peer review process, and publication of a manuscript while providing research to promote evidenced based practice.
Instructions to authors may be found at For more information or to submit a manuscript please contact:
Randall Lazicki SPT, ATC, CSCS, Student Editor-in-Chief
Department of Physical Therapy Education
Campus Box 2085, Elon University
Elon, NC 27244
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hotel Reservations
I am trying to get all my travel plans made for the AAOMPT conference, and I was wondering if there are any guys out there that would be interested in sharing a room. I will be arriving on Thurs Oct 30 at 10 pm, leaving Nov 2 early and I haven't made hotel reservations yet (pending response to this e-mail). If anyone is interested please e-mail me or give me a call at 337-302-7253 (i tend not to answer my phone during the day but I will get back to you if you leave a message).
Stephen W Brittain, SPT
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Finally injuries explained in the NFL by a PT

For most people, a long week is concluded with a much needed weekend and a full Sunday of football. For one physical therapist, Sunday is gameday for her as well. Stephania Bell is the key injury analyst for ESPN football. I was able to catch an interview that she gave on Aaron Rogers shoulder, which I was curious about since the initial injury.
Here is a little history on Stephania...
Stephania is a physical therapist who is a board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. An avid fantasy player, Stephania spent the past two years as a fantasy injury analyst at and appeared weekly on XM Radio's fantasy sports show.
She is a clinician, author and teacher with extensive experience in the area of orthopedic manual therapy and sports medicine who practices in the Bay Area. Her primary patient population consists of athletes and performing artists ranging from junior high school to professional.
Stephania has her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and roots for the Tigers.
She received her Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Miami (Fla.) and roots for the Hurricanes.
She held a teaching position at the University of Kansas for five years and roots for the Jayhawks.
She is from San Francisco and roots shamelessly for the 49ers and the Giants (through the good and the bad).
She did a very good job representing the profession and promoting it. Keep up the good work Stephania. Here is a quick link to her blog on ESPN.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cricket and PT - Branding Woes
After a recent conversation I realize that there is an analogy that for me shows how it feels trying to communicate what PT is without a success brand:
Imagine going your friends, family and business contacts and try to get them to buy tickets to a Cricket game. They have heard of it, have their own idea of what it is but, if pressed, have no idea of the reality of the game. They would make comments like: isn’t that like Baseball? (Same as – isn’t that like a massage therapist or a personal trainer?), Don’t know if I’d like it. (Same as I don’t think it will help my condition), Never been to a Cricket Game before so I don’t think I want to take the time. (Same as never been to PT and so why would I take the time if I am not sure what it is, or I can exercise on my own?) What are the rules of the game? (Same as – I didn’t know that you could treat that, or I didn’t know you could do manipulation…), and they wouldn’t think to ask who is playing because one team is just like the rest given their perspective (they go where the MD tells them to with go or an MD just sends them to the closest PT).
PT is like Cricket because we have no Brand in this country, the public has heard of us but has no true understanding of what we do. I fear that our existence (with diminished benefits, higher co-pays and a state of significant undervalue in the market place) is truly at risk. Do the powers to be at the APTA understand what Cricket really is? If not then they have an opportunity to understand how the vast majority of the public, many physicians and almost all payors perceive PT.
Been to a Cricket game lately??? - Jeff
Friday, September 5, 2008
Watch a Surgery through Genesis