Imagine an enormous room filled with more than 400 physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, and students from around the nation. As you walk into this room for the first time, you can hear the music blaring, papers rustling, loud chatter, and ongoing debate, as the giant clock projected on the screen counts down and everyone scurries to take their seat. The stage is set for the APTA House of Delegates, the governing body of our profession. Over the next few days, the speaker of the house, with his witty humor, will direct over 200 voting members, selected by their state associations, along the legislative path. On this floor, they will debate, amend, postpone, withdraw, and refer on several motions brought forth by different components of APTA, until a vote is called and affirmed with either, a “Yay” or “Nay”.
I remember the very moment I walked into the room for the first time; I was speechless. I thought to myself, WOW! This is where it all takes place, where leaders make the decisions as to the direction of our profession. At this moment, my understanding of the purpose of APTA became very clear. I felt proud to be a member. I realized that APTA brings unity to our profession and without it we would not thrive and flourish as a whole. This organization is well run by the top leaders in our profession who are dedicated to the advancement of all of our interests. So, for all of you who wonder where your dues money goes and why you pay so much to belong to one organization, I can assure you, it is all worth it. I have made it my duty and obligation as a future physical therapist to support my profession by being a member for life. I challenge you to do so as well.
Brett Neilson
PTWA Student Liaison