Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Want to get you studies published?



Call for Papers


Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research


The Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research (JSPTR) would like to invite authors to actively participate in the growth and development of the only journal dedicated solely to the student physical therapist. The JSPTR an open access, peer-reviewed online journal published quarterly that encompasses all aspects of clinical and basic research studies related to physical therapy.


The intention of the JSPTR is to provide a platform for publication of student driven research as well as provide students exposure to the review and publication process.


Accepted papers are published under the following categories:


·        Research Report

·        Case Report

·        Case Study

·        Case Series

·        Literature Review


Under the direction of the Faculty and Student Editor-in-Chief, several APTA accredited physical therapy programs will facilitate the peer review process.


Involving yourself with the Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research will provide a valuable experience in the submission, peer review process, and publication of a manuscript while providing research to promote evidenced based practice.


Instructions to authors may be found at  For more information or to submit a manuscript please contact:


Randall Lazicki SPT, ATC, CSCS, Student Editor-in-Chief

Department of Physical Therapy Education

Campus Box 2085, Elon University

Elon, NC 27244